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A behind the scenes look at Devizes NHS Treatment Centre

Have you ever wondered what the inside of an operating theatre looks like? Or what goes on behind the scenes at a hospital?

An open day at Devizes NHS Treatment Centre will give you just that opportunity – and more.

The hospital is opening its doors and areas usually closed to the public, on Saturday 7th November between 10.00am and 3.00pm.

It will be a great opportunity to get to know what goes on at the hospital and to meet the team – especially as the hospital will also be celebrating its sixth anniversary.

Visitors will be able to have a go at keyhole surgery using a special simulated model; check whether or not their handwashing technique gets rid of germs; see the inside of a colonoscope; be shown basic life support; take part in an X-ray quiz; see what’s involved in getting gowned and gloved to perform surgery; and try matching surgical instruments to the operations they are used for.

Blood pressure tests will also be available, as will demonstrations of the innovative Pocket Physio app – designed to help patients manage their physio exercises before coming to hospital and after their operation.

Wiltshire Air Ambulance will also be there, as will Healthwatch.

Everyone who comes to the open day will be entered into a free raffle with the chance to win some super prizes.

If you are interested in a career with Care UK at Devizes NHS Treatment Centre or Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre, the Care UK HR team will be on hand with information about current vacancies and other opportunities.

Kevin Walsh, Centre Manager at Devizes NHS Treatment Centre, said: “Our open day will be a great chance to see behind the scenes at our hospital, and we hope that as many people as possible will visit us on 7th November. As a hospital providing only NHS treatments, we are part of the local health choice and people can speak to their GP or consultant and choose to have their treatments here.”