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Dementia friendly environments


We aim to help people live as independently as possible in our homes

Designed by experts

Our immediate surroundings can have a huge impact on our quality of life, particularly when trying to make sense of the world around us. That's why we work with academic partners and leaders in the architectural and design industries to create care home environments that help people living with dementia to live as independent and stress-free a life as possible. 

Our homes are built to the latest dementia standards and designed to enhance the quality of life for every resident, whatever their needs. The Care UK design team is passionate about creating dementia environments which balance colour schemes, wayfinding and points of interest to create a safe, homely and easily understood environment.

The homes are divided into smaller suites on each floor to create a homely atmosphere. This also helps to keep the hustle and bustle to a minimum, which is particularly important for residents who are living with dementia.  

A personal touch

Residents are welcome to personalise their room with familiar furniture, pictures and other belongings. Outside each room is a memory box that residents can fill with special items. These help us get to know you and your whole family. Memory boxes also help residents find their way and recognise their bedroom. 

We will work with you to customise your environment in a way that protects personal identity, supports you to make the most of your capabilities and helps you to live as independently as possible.   

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Dementia friendly environments around the home 

It’s not only residents’ bedrooms that are designed to be dementia friendly. We use technology and design techniques to make the whole suite suitable for those living with dementia. 

Dementia friendly kitchen and dining 

Mealtimes are hugely important for residents living with dementia, both for the purposes of nutrition and socialising. We understand that the routine of dining offers the opportunity for residents living with dementia to chat with friends and reminisce. 

As well as regular meals, most of our homes offer hydration stations with low-calorie, fortified fruit drinks that are appealing for people living with dementia. 

We ensure that residents living with dementia are supported to dine as independently as possible, using adapted cutlery and tablecloths in contrasting colours. 

Read more about our dining experience. 

Dementia friendly gardens 

Many of our homes have secure gardens and outdoor areas where residents living with dementia can safely 'walk with purpose’. Living in a well-designed care home means residents can explore destination points all around the home and garden. 


One of the big selling points of Appleby House is the physical freedom that residents with dementia have to explore the home and gardens independently. They can browse in our shop, have a drink in our café, and enjoy activities that are happening on other suites. Residents are relaxed and happy exploring at their own pace

Shona Bradbury, Home Manager

Frequently asked questions

Whether your loved one lives independently, with you or in a care home, there are many ways to make the spaces they spend time in more dementia friendly. 

Here are our top tips: 

  • Don’t make changes to the layout around the house. 
  • Put labels or pictures on cupboard doors to remind them what’s inside. 
  • Get rid of background noise from radios or TVs which can make it difficult for them to concentrate. 
  • Avoid reflective flooring, rugs or carpets with bold patterns which can cause confusion. 
  • Ensure rooms have plenty of natural light. 
  • ‘Landmarks’ like artworks or plants can help a person with dementia remember how to find their way around. 
  • Use contrasting colours to help people with dementia see better, for instance on walls and floors, on plates and tablecloths or on toilet seats and floors. 

Everything from colour-schemes to room layouts to noise levels can impact a person living with dementia.